Have you ever been on holiday on your back doorstep?

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Like, not literally to the garden (although, that sounded pretty convenient to me with the weather we had this summer) but to the places that you could go to if you just gave yourself the time for a 30 minute drive?

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To celebrate my dad’s birthday, mum organised a surprise holiday to Norfolk and brought the Costa Del… weather with them. I got to spend a few days in a cottage near the coast with them and together we enjoyed exploring my adopted home county.

Norfolk Vay-cay 3You know how they say New Yorkers have never been up the Empire State Building?  I spent so much time wishing that I could explore the world…

Norfolk Vay-cay 17..it’s really easy to forget the wonderful things about where you spend the bulk of your time and wonder why on earth other people come on vay-cay to your home.

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One of my favourite things on a summer Monday is telling colleagues in London where I got to go over the weekend.

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I loved driving around North Norfolk and showing my parents my favourite villages and beaches.

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We walked many, many miles with the two dogs.  Probably would have broken weaker spirits with all the excercise, except for the fact they are dogs and always up for more.

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We got to eat fish and chips, ice cream, Cromer Crab.  We got to drink local ales.

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We watched people kite surf, jet ski, sail.  We mercifully didn’t get rained on.

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It was pretty much a perfect way to celebrate my dad’s birthday together.

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Can’t wait to do it again.  And of course, I would love to hear about your favourite places and what you love about where you live!

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